Garden Green Smoothie
I really enjoy the cool quickness of a green smoothie during the summer months.
I really enjoy the cool quickness of a green smoothie during the summer months. And I'm all about eating seasonally and locally! There's nothing like gobbling down those enzymes and phyto-nutrients that you can only get fresh from the vine. Plus the taste... THE TASTE!
So whenever possible, I try to prepare foods directly from our garden, our friends garden, or the local farm stand. And lately, I've really been into this super simple summer garden green smoothie.
But drinking green smoothies can be about more than just the ease and the taste. Right?
Three Reasons For Summer Smoothies:
1. Increases consumption of fruits and vegetables
The American Cancer Society recommends that we eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day to prevent cancer and other diseases. Green smoothies are a quick and convenient way to pack in some veggies — especially dark, leafy greens. The fruit masks the flavor, so even though all you taste is fruit, you are still consuming a healthy dose of spinach, kale, carrots, and any other vegetable you add. In fact this is the only way that I can get my main squeeze to consume kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, etc.
2. Hydration
Drinking green smoothies is not only a great way to trick yourself (if you need trickery) into eating your vegetables, it is also an excellent way to ensure you get the water your body needs. One of the main reasons many people do not drink the recommended six to eight glasses of water daily is that they forget. If that describes you, add more water to the mix as you prepare your smoothie. You’ll be drinking more liquids without even noticing it.
3. Digestion
Unlike fruit juices, green smoothies use the whole fruits and vegetables so that you get all of the fiber and nutrition. Fiber is essential for good colon health and it keeps your bowels in working order. Plus, that fibrous goodness helps to regulate your blood sugar. So these smoothies naturally promote digestive regulation.
But if you must know the truth, my top reasons for whipping up some summer blends are ease and taste baby, ease and taste. So read on, and be inspired by to explore a bit of seasonal whimsy with your blending machine.