Conscious Movements Feldenkrais Method Meditation and Health Coaching - Nature.jpg

Thank you for your generosity. If you choose to support a student through our monthly donation, please know that you can cancel anytime.

It Takes A Village
with HEART

Deep suffering exists in the world. I believe a false sense of separation from Self, others, and the natural world is its root cause. Socioeconomic equity is the idea that every person has an equal opportunity to access resources and achieve their fullest potential, regardless of their background or economic status.

Though Conscious Movements functions as a small business, I am, at my core, in service to life and fulfilling my vow to end suffering. I envision a diversity of bodies and lived experiences practicing alongside each other in our online studio and in-person gatherings. To move toward this vision, I…

  • have an equitable pricing structure that includes tiered and sliding-scale options (find out more)

  • offer donation-based programming that starts as low as $1

  • facilitate a work-study program

Having a Scholarship fund along with other equitable offerings allows me to support those who wouldn't otherwise be able to join the membership without them, myself, or the instructors compromising our financial well-being. It is an equitable practice of fairly addressing individual needs and circumstances where different people need different levels of support. It’s part of my commitment to ending violence (inner and outer) and achieving harmony within the world.

Receive Assistance
Scholarship Fund

The Details: Awarded scholarships consist of either a Lite or Live reMembership for three months.

The Application
I know that this work can transform your life, and I don’t want money to stop you from the transformation that is your birthright. Please read the following information carefully before completing your application. Then, click the button to fill out the scholarship application.

  • Applying for a scholarship does not give you the membership unless you receive the scholarship.

  • Scholarships do not apply to workshops and are not transferrable to other participants.

  • Because we offer a limited number of Scholarships, we will revoke them if grantees fail to maintain attendance as per the application commitments.

  • The scholarship application is open to individuals who are interested in starting or deepening their existing embodied practice and embarking on the path of self-growth and deep discovery.

  • The intention of this scholarship is to support individuals in the community who, for financial or life circumstances, would otherwise not have access to the studio's offerings.

Scholarship Commitments
All candidates must complete the full scholarship application as well as agree to:

  • Lite reMembership: utilize at least one practice a week from the Library or Private Podcast for the duration of the grant period.

  • Live reMembership: attend at least three (3) classes per month and utilize at least one practice a week from the Library or Private Podcast for the duration of the scholarship period.

At the end of the scholarship, all grantees will be invited to submit a written, audio, or video reflection on their experience. After successfully completing the program and submissions, they can join as members at a deeply discounted price.

Equitable Exchange

The Details: Equitable Exchange consists of a three or twelve-month agreement.

Possible Exchange Opportunities

  • Audio or Video Editing

  • Member & Community Support

  • Teach A Monthly Class: breathwork, somatics, meditation, energy medicine (must be certified)

  • Food Related Education & Support: recipes, nourishing notes, etc. (must be a nutritionist or health coach)

  • Other: Tell me about your passions and skills.

The Application

  • Complete the application

  • Include your proposal. Detail the trade, how it would work, the amount of time needed to complete, the expected outcome, etc. Be specific and clear. Include what you believe your work trade is worth.

About Equitable Pricing ❤️

An equitable pricing model for our classes, programs, and memberships allows multiple price points. It also creates a greater potential for our classes, programs, and memberships to resemble our world—intergenerational, multiethnic, intersectional, diverse communities with a wide range of abilities.

Most of the regular/ongoing guest instructors at Conscious Movements are part of the Equitable Exchange work-study program. However, they receive a large percentage of each drop-in class payment and purchases of their self-study programs. Your financial contribution supports the welfare of those holding space and guiding you.

Suggested Guidelines For Payment Considerations

Consider paying more if you...

  • own the home you live in and can easily make mortgage payments

  • have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money

  • travel for recreation

  • have access to family money and resources in times of need

  • work part-time or are unemployed by choice

  • have a relatively high degree of earning power

Consider paying list price if you...

  • are without dependents

  • can repay your student loans or have paid off your student loans

  • have employer health insurance and/or other employer benefits

  • have daily reliable transportation

  • are able to miss work either for sickness or leisure and are still able to pay next month's bills

  • travel when needed, especially for an unexpected occasion like a family funeral or emergency

Consider paying less if you...

  • live in a country whose currency is weaker than the American dollar.

  • supporting children or have other dependents and do not have expendable income

  • have significant debt

  • have medical expenses not covered by insurance

  • are eligible for public assistance

  • have immigration-related expenses

  • are an elder with limited financial support

  • are an unpaid community organizer