

Move, Life Stories Buffy Owens Move, Life Stories Buffy Owens

Feldenkrais Is So Much More Than Movement: Part One

The book, "The Elusive Obvious," was once only available in Hardback format — which brings me a special kind of sensorial gratification.

As I flip through the dense and fibrous pages, I digest each word of somatic wonder. My mind starts to bend towards a deeper realization that this work, The Feldenkrais Method®, is so much more than movement. What we discover about ourselves can change everything!

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Move, Life Stories Buffy Owens Move, Life Stories Buffy Owens

Feldenkrais or Yoga?

The movements of Feldenkrais® can serve as a conduit to a deeper connection to yourself and is one of the ways in which it’s similar to yoga. The difference, however, is how we go about those movements. But those differences can vary from person-to-person and from teacher-to-teacher (lineage or style).

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Mind Buffy Owens Mind Buffy Owens

Resistance & The Salvation of Softness

Have you ever had a moment of subtle resistance? Well, of course, we all have. Here is a little trick I learned while exploring Awareness Through Movement and again while sitting on my cushion. To be frank, it has helped me in just about everything I do.

Recently I noticed I was reluctant to start dinner. Strange. I love to cook. I love to eat. I have a big beautiful box of fresh veggies from my local CSA. So, why on earth was I resisting this?

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Life Stories, Move, Mind Buffy Owens Life Stories, Move, Mind Buffy Owens

Movement Of Emotions

Recently a student approached me at the end of class and asked me if experiencing strong emotions while doing Awareness Through Movement was normal. My answer: “Yes.” Emotions don’t surface all of the time, but it does happen, and the intensity of the experience can vary.

When I first started reading Moshe Feldenkrais’ books nearly 25 years ago, I was utterly obsessed with the mind-body connections—specifically how I could shift my emotional base and perspectives by working with my body. I consumed his writings along with those of Ida Rolf, Alexander Lowen, and books like Emotional Anatomy.

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Move, Life Stories Buffy Owens Move, Life Stories Buffy Owens

Finding Chi

The Year was 1994, and I was a bicycling dread-head with a desperate urge to grow my consciousness, heal my body, and figure out why the holy heavens I was here on earth.

I had not yet entered my 20’s, and although I had lived in at least five states, all of them were in the Midwest — which by the way, is awesome for oh-so-many reasons. But none the less, my belly ached with a desire to find something different — to be something different.

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Move Buffy Owens Move Buffy Owens

From Frost To Feldenkrais

Every once in a while, I find one of those quotes that has a way of working me – shifting me slowly but consistently over time — echoing in everything that I do. Somehow the Robert Frost quote from A Servant’s Servant has been one of those unique passages that continue to whisper to me when my motivation is low, and my curiosity has waned.

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