CHŁODNIK: Cold Beet Soup
Choose beets that are heavy for their size with green tops still attached.
This recipe is one of my favorite summer Polish dishes! Traditionally, Chłodnik is served with warm mashed potatoes. Together they create a combination that is rich with flavors, varying textures, and contrasting temperatures. Every bite is a sensorial delight.
Chłodnik (pronounced h-wo-d-neek, meaning cooler) is perfect for those hot summer days. Plus, this lacto-fortified bowl of flavor will nourish your gut with each bite. Thanks to those wee microbes, the soup is in a lacto-fremented kefir or buttermilk base, it keeps well for nearly a week as the live probiotic bacteria feed on the sugary starches in the veggies. It's one of those great dishes that can nourish your palate for days on end.
I usually double or triple the recipe below so that we can sip and chew throughout the week.
Food Combining Tid-Bit: Research indicates that boosting your intake of calcium-rich foods (like buttermilk) when you eat foods that are high in oxalates (like beets) can lower the amount of soluble oxalates available for absorption.