From Injury to Discovery

Initially, I came to Buffy to see if the Feldenkrais Method could help me overcome limitations from an injury. I’ve stayed because it offered that and so much more.

Now, at 62, I benefit on many other levels. Each class is a journey of discovery for me. They’re challenging, but mentally and physically rewarding. I find a chance to laugh at myself and the habits I’ve developed over the years; habits that may have been useful when I was younger but now limit me. With Buffy’s guidance, I find new and easier ways to move and my listening, concentration and observation skills all improve.


Buffy Owens

I believe the menopause journey is an initiation and adventure in unearthing who we are beneath the noise and below the shoulds. As a woman in her ‘pause years, I love exploring topics related to the mind, body, and the menopause awakening. All of my programs are designed to help women quiet the noise so they can access their inner knowing and the deep wisdom of their bodies.

Destress + Sleep


Less Pain. Fewer Meds.