Movement Props
I LOVE to move!
The reality is you don't need any gear to practice Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® or Mindfulness. A couple of hand towels, a bath towel or two, a rug to lay down on, and someplace to sit are all you'll ever need. But there are also some tools out there that can help regulate your nervous system, support your immune system, and offer you a greater movement experience.
As you may know, I believe that it's essential to have a variety of movements to keep you well and thriving — from the gentle explorations of Awareness Through Movement to activities that demand a bit more strength & endurance.
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Flow & Nourish
Supporting Your Lymph Movement & Nervous System
If you’re going to invest in one fitness ‘machine,’ this might be the best place to start. The rebounder (a.k.a. mini-trampoline is fun and offers a whole host of benefits. My two favorites are the bouncy support for your lymph system and the potential to use this as part of your neuro-regulation program (see the video below).
But research has also shown that it can help with balance, gait performance, reduce fear of falling, and improve bone density. (1) But that’s not all. It can also improve your body composition (bye-bye fat, hello muscle), improve blood pressure and glucose profiles, and decrease pain severity and pain interference. (2)
“The key in healing trauma is not to relive the trauma experienced, but to create new experiences in the body that contradict those feelings of overwhelming helplessness that happened in trauma. So it’s having new experiences really is what it’s about.”
Expand Your Movement
Pull-Up Bar
This is absolutely the first prop that I recommend purchasing. Although I believe that it's a good idea that we're each able to pull our body weight up, that isn't actually the number one reason I recommend this prop. I think the power of this prop is the simple act of having an opportunity to hang around.
Check out this short video by Katie Bowman on how to support your shoulders in hanging. Now obviously she's outside and I hope that you get to monkey around outside, too. But, having an accessible bar in your home can ensure that you get a bit more hang-time on a daily basis.
change angles
Half Foam-Roller
This is by far the second most useful prop that I'd recommend purchasing. I cannot say enough about how often I use the half foam rollers. I highly recommend purchasing at least two. Why two? Because, you'll be able to use them as a duo in ways you can't use a single half round. With two, you can explore standing on them (one under each foot) for balance work. You might play with the flat side down or up.
But balance work isn't the only thing that you can use these for. In fact, I'd say I tend to use them more for lengthening my calves and exploring different angles of my ankles as I'm standing (working in my office, in the kitchen while chopping, or watching a movie).
roller fun
I've been using rollers for years (and years). I'm a BIG fan of having one around to lay on, roll with, balance on, etc.
But this roller is special. It was created by Stacy Barrows, a Doctor of Physical Therapy + Feldenkrais Practitioner. She invented the SMARTROLLER to better support her clients; especially those who found traditional cylindrical rollers too uncomfortable, difficult or dangerous to use. This patented foam roller is softer than most and has one side that is flatter to decrease roller movement and one side that is rounder to increase roller movement.
Note: You can purchase the SMARTROLLER without the book. However, if you're new to this lovely piece of purple bliss then I'd highly recommend getting the guide to go along with it.
subtle shifts
Step Stool
I’m a big fan of step stools. This single-step stool has a weight capacity of 400 pounds, which makes it perfect for adding variety to your cooking routine and integrating gentle strength exercises into your daily life.
I keep a double-step stool in my kitchen. I’ll often stand with one foot on the stool and the other on the floor as I chop, knead, or do the dishes. I like having two steps as it offers more variety in where I can place my feet. This might seem strange, but this simple act of intentionally changing how I stand allows me to spend more time with my hip, knee, and ankle joints in different positions.
I keep something similar to the single-step stool in my living room. I like having something a little more heavy-duty that I can use for spontaneous exercise — step-ups, side step-ups, squats, etc. I can take short ‘exercise’ (i.e., more vigorous movement) breaks on a whim or while watching a movie. Plus, I have a nice view from my living room window, so I can expand my visual horizon as I move.
Free Your Feet
Foot Play For Everyday
enliven your feet
Sensory Balls
I keep balls like this in nearly every room in my home and office. I roll these spikier sensory balls under my foot while sitting. I find they work wonders for waking my feet up and getting the blood flowing. I like to play with different degrees of speed and pressure to stimulate different receptors, giving me a more dynamic experience. Plus, it feels good!
more mobility
Massage Balls
Much like the sensory ball, I keep balls like this in nearly every room in my home and office. I tend to do a lot of exploration with the massage balls in standing. I use them to find more movement between the bones of my feet. I also experiment with the angle of my ankle and the position of my pelvis. In short, I try to mimic the different foot positions that might happen if I’m walking barefoot on rugged terrain.
walk differently
Balance Pods
These little domes of joy are a great way to enliven your feet while playing with balance. They’re an easy way to enhance your walking options throughout your home. You can set up a path to walk on, mixing up the configuration from time to time. Or you can explore more advanced movements like balancing on one foot and touching the floor.
However, you don't need these pods to start exploring the above movements. You can play with balance by creating a throw pillow trail in your living room and start walking that (make sure they're on a rug and not hardwood). But if you want to pod it up, I recommend these colorful nuggets.
stay safe:
stay free
Non-Slip Toe Socks
I started purchasing the non-slip version of toe socks when I moved to Troy, NY. I had two separate slips on our wooden stairs and decided a little extra grip would be nice. I haven't had a fall since.
I also find that the grip can add a bit of cushion. For some people, this extra cushion can help them be more comfortable when transitioning out of house shoes.
your toes
Toe Socks To Wear With Shoes
I started purchasing the non-slip version of toe socks when I moved to Troy, NY. I had two separate slips on our wooden stairs and decided a little extra grip would be nice. I haven't had a fall since.
I also find that the grip can add a bit of cushion. For some people this little extra cushion can help them to be more comfortable when transitioning out of house-shoes.
Intensify Your Movement
Grow Your Abilities
Exercise Bands
Exercise bands are probably the most affordable way to add a bit of resistance to your body-weight movements. Plus they don't take up much space. So, they're easy to tuck away at home when you're not using them or pack 'em up when you're on the go.
The link I've shared here actually goes to a set that includes: Workout and Rehab Bands, Heavy Exercise Bands, Fitness Bands with Door Anchor, Ankle Straps, and Resistance Loops. With all of those options, you can move against resistance in a whole variety of ways.
Move As You Work
Create A Movement-Friendly Home Office
sitting tall:
with variety
Active Sitting
Having a stool or chair that allows for movement is crucial for staying healthy while you work. We are not designed to sit still for hours at a time. So, it’s important that we take breaks and get up and move around. But, it’s also important that we keep moving during our working periods. Personally, I also use it with a desk that allows me to sit or stand. I also keep some half-foam rollers (above) near my desk so that I can use them while working while standing. Basically, I make sure that I have plenty of working options throughout the day.