Pelvic Power & Sacred Sacrum


Beginner | All Levels

Your pelvis is constantly responding to movement above and below it. But unfortunately, if you're like most people in this modern age, your awareness of your pelvis is likely dimmed or diminished.

For some, this decrease in pelvic awareness relates directly to their environment and the furniture they use — slouching in chairs and couches or the tech slouch that happens while looking at a device. For others, limited movement and, thus, limited awareness of their pelvis is due to a more subtle cultural influence. In other words, the more you see people moving with less pelvic power, the less likely you are to move your pelvis. This is especially true in the early years of movement development. 

In this series, we will explore the presence, possibility, and power of your pelvis. You'll start to feel how your pelvis is central to nearly all of your movement and key to moving powerfully. As you connect to and clarify your pelvic movements, the benefits ripple throughout your whole system. Your posture improves, pain and stiffness in your neck and back diminish, and you increase the comfort in your hip and knees. 


Pre-Order Today

Included Downloads

  1. Somatic Insights Journal For Awaken Your Pelvic Floor

  2. Pelvic Floor & Sacrum Anatomy Note Handout

  3. Home Practice Guide

  4. Embodied Intention For Pelvic Floor & Sacred Sacrum (10 min)

  5. Pelvic Floor & Sacred Sacrum Anatomy Note (coming soon)

  6. Pelvic Presence Movement Mantra (3 min)

  7. Gently Rocking Your Pelvis With An Inner Roll (12 min)

  8. Imaginary Ball Connecting Your Hip Joints (15 min)

  9. Three Points Along The Midline Of Your Pelvis (12 min)

  10. Sensing Your Sacrum Two Ways (16 min)

  11. Exploring Your SI Joint Two Ways (16 min)

  12. DPelvic Parts & Whole Movement Mantra (3 min)

  13. Breathing With Your Sacrum & Spine (10 min)

  14. Fixing Your Pelvis To Move Your Sacrum (13 min)

  15. Sinking Your Sacrum (11 min)

  16. Sacrum In A Triangle As You Tilt Your Leg (10 min)

  17. Pelvis To Head With Arms Long (13 min)

  18. Pelvis Connects To 5 Lines Movement Mantra (3 min)

  19. Pelvis & The Lines Of Your Legs (15 min)

  20. Connecting Your Pelvis To The Lines Of Your Arms (13 min)

  21. Simple Pelvic Movements To Sense The Line Of The Spine (10 min)

  22. Pelvis To The Lines Of The Legs (12 min)

  23. Your Seat To The Lines Of Your Arms (11 min)

  24. Sensing My Sacred Sacrum Movement Mantra (3 min)

  25. Triple Flexion Pelvic Rock (11 min)

  26. Split-Stance Pelvic Rock (13 min)

  27. Connecting Sacrum To Hand (15 min)

  28. Pelvis In Transition From Sit To Stand (13 min)

  29. Sacral Walking Movement Mantra (coming soon)

  30. Hands Move Pelvis. Pelvis Moves Hands. (14 min)

  31. Split Stance Starting To Sit Back (12 min)

  32. Beginning To Explore Walking With Hands On Pelvis (11 min)

  33. Accentuate Moments Of Balance In Walking (11 min)

  34. Sacral Walking With One Arm Up (13 min)

  35. BONUS Awareness Through Movement Lesson (coming soon)


About The Pre-Order

Why the wait?
I’m currently putting the final touches on a few audio lessons. Plus, I’ll be updating the Anatomy Note to include a little more information about how your pelvis, sacrum, and pelvic floor are connected to all that you do. I promise it will be worth the wait!

How will I know when it’s ready?
I’ll send you an updated download link from my online store on (or before) March 9th.

Awaken Your Pelvic Floor Part One
Tongue Connections
Hyoid Immersion