Embodied and Well Feldenkrais Membership with Buffy Owens.jpg

embodied well

It’s time to quiet the noise and honor that inner wisdom!

Get ready to renew your self-trust as you learn to listen to the wisdom of your body!

your body


…it’s time to listen

The truth is that you probably stopped fully enjoying and refining your movement sometime in your childhood – you rolled, crawled, walked, ran, and had fun moving in a variety of ways… then what happened?

If you're like most people, you sat down and got to work. Eventually, you stopped listening to your body's subtle cues and started to tune out the incredible wisdom within you.

As time moved on, you began to feel aches and pains. Maybe you even started to compromise your joy, happiness, and sense of inner power. Now, you might even feel like your mind is slowing and your vitality is fading.

The good news is that when you learn to listen to your body and tap into your natural rhythms, you’ll move better and have more available energy, insight, and resourcefulness.

The process of maturing is a very subtle one, for the simple reason that we are both the molding material and steadily becoming our own molders.

—Moshe Feldenkrais

Six Perks Of Living Embodied & Well

  • When you can quiet the biological noise and bring compassionate awareness to your inner dialogue, you strengthen your intuition and develop and deepen your ability to truly know what’s right for you.

    Most of us have culturized to lean more into our logical, cognitive mind. Although this aspect of understanding the world is important, it plays a small role in living a deeply fulfilling life! Why? Because our emotional and spiritual experiences live & thrive in the felt sense of the body.

    Tune into the subtle cues of your body to know…

    • how to stay present with yourself as you hold compassion for another during challenging times

    • when you need to rest or move

    • which foods help or hinder your nourishment at any given moment

    • how to shift your movement from wear and tear to heal and repair…without even thinking about it

      …and so much more.


  • If you are older than 25, it’s important to be intentional about activating your neuroplastic state for ongoing brain health and sustainable change. The easiest way to do that is to engage in novel movement.

    When we blend the gently, puzzle-like movements of the Feldenkrais Method we create a potent state for decoupling unhelpful patterns and beliefs and integrating the inner changes we long to make.


  • Balance is a whole body and whole brain skill. When you grow your capacity to move and sense yourself, you become responsive to changes so that you can regain your balance more easily.


    When we feel physically balanced, we often feel more grounded & centered mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


  • Life can be challenging. Sometimes, those challenges are physical — illness, injury, or surgery. Sometimes, those challenges hit us more at a mental, emotional, or spiritual level. Often, it’s a dynamic blend that permeates our lives at many levels.

    The awareness and skills you learn through somatic movement explorations and breathwork can transform how you meet the challenges of life and speed up your recovery.

    You learn how to…

    • engage a growth mindset so that your challenges become the fuel for transformation

    • tap into the innate healing potential of your biology so that you work with it, not against it

    • get more out of your therapy sessions — from your physical therapist to your psychologist's office

    • release the patterns of pain & suffering that keep you stuck or slow your healing


  • Sleep soundly at night and wake up feeling fully rested! Mindful movement throughout the day can help you fall asleep at night. Plus, no more waking up to roll over in bed.


  • Taking time to explore gentle movement the Feldenkrais way can help to reduce joint pain, eliminate back pain, and stop the migraine cycle.




Live Classes (online)

Join live and reap the benefits of connecting with others and receiving teachings based on how you breathe & move!

Monthly Classes
somatic movement & breath

Move & Breathe Together
These monthly drop-in classes are a way to gather, grow, move, and breathe. Cultivating a self-study embodied movement practice is powerful! But there’s no substitute for learning and growing together. Practicing with others can elevate your experience thanks to our capacity to attune to others. The number of classes offered each month can vary. However, you are guaranteed at least two online classes each month!

  • Awareness Through Movement

    • These somatic movement sessions utilize gentle movements to activate a neuroplastic state to retrain your brain. We'll use this time to move, journal, and explore. Each session offers you an opportunity to decouple limiting beliefs, eliminate compulsive reactions, and release unhelpful habits. Join me in taking time to find yourself in motion.

    Elemental Breathwork

    • The breathwork classes are multi-sensory and curated to celebrate every facet of who you are by seamlessly merging the power of your breath, music, and meditation.

    Attune To Awareness

    • The Attune To Awareness classes are typically 30 minutes and can support your ongoing embodiment and help you more fully inhabit your body. Each practice will bring you back to your senses and ground you in the present moment. So keep moving and expand your capacity to move through life with a sense of ease and grace.

    Movement Mantras

    • The Movement Mantra classes are short 15-minute classes that offer you a simple and short practice to explore throughout the week. They are designed to help you deepen your mindful movement habit by anchoring your practice with daily action.


700+ Streaming Lessons

The Member Library contains hundreds of recorded lessons to keep you moving, growing, and thriving.

Movement & Meditation
on your time

All memberships contain access to the Member Library! This rich resource allows you to enjoy guided movement practices and meditation 24/7.

The key to sustainable change and embodied transformation is consistent practice. With the Member library, you can find short practices designed to keep you moving daily and longer practices that will take you deeper into your self-discovery.



Nourish Library

Delicious nourishment through healthy recipes.

Healthy Recipes
for living well

All memberships contain access to the Nourish Library! This delicious resource allows you to explore simple recipes that nourish you from the inside out.

I’m a BIG fan of eating well and enjoying every bite along the way. For me, food is more than calories and macro-nutrients. It’s a way to tantalize your senses, connect with others, and micro-dose health one bite at a time.

I'm a yes to the wisdom of my body!

two payment options

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When you know you're all in!


Learning is turning darkness, which is absence of light, into light. Learning is creation. It is making something out of nothing. Learning grows until it dawns on you.

—Moshe Feldenkrais